Monday, February 18, 2008

Paris, anyone??

A question has come to mind this morning, and I have no way of really knowing the answer on my own. It's not important, and it's not going to make my day either way. It's not going to change the outcome of the Super Bowl (Sorry, I thought I was over it...), and it’s not going to melt the snow. The question is this - do the French do French Toast? Do they enjoy it with a glass of Merlot? Do they take one of those canisters filled with powdered sugar and sprinkle it, ever so carefully, over the yummy goodness?? I have a vision of French couples, sitting in the shadow of the Eifel Tower, downing French Toast with some French Syrup and French Coffee, while using French phrases that are supposedly romantic and elegant, but are probably announcing which American they now want to see hit by a van. So, do they? Do they eat French Toast? Or, is this just something else that Americans have decided to give credit for to someone else? Like Moo Shi Pork. Or pizza. Or weapons of mass destruction....

I made French Toast this morning. In case you were wondering. The attack on the French? Not sure where that came from. Although I must say I had a French teacher that enjoyed throwing desks out the window. Seriously. More on that later, I suppose.

Anyway, French toast. I received a griddle as a wedding gift years ago, and have probably only used it a dozen times or so over the years. Mostly because it is a pain in the butt to clean. (Do the French clean their griddles?? I've heard they don't shower...) Anyway, when I can find a food that Chloe will eat, I stick to it like glue. Peanut butter sandwiches, chicken nuggets, French toast. That's pretty much it. Throw in the occasional slice of pizza, and you have Chloe's menu. Chloe trying a new food consists of her putting in her mouth, nodding her head, smiling for my benefit, and then spitting it out on her plate. She follows this dramatic moment with a declaration - "I tried it! Can I have a snack now???"

I really don't mind the French. I don't even know a French person, so I shouldn't be critical. Since I live in a state that borders Quebec, however, I have spoken to my share of French speaking people. Nice people. Very down to earth. I have no idea what they are saying. But they are smiley. And that makes me happy. Why am I telling you this?? I don't know. But I made French toast this morning. And it was damn good. As was the Merlot.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You mean Chloe will actually put the food in her mouth now??? That's awesome!!! Oh and I have a French last I have an answer for you...Actually I have no idea who invented French toast, but I know I like it ;) Thought I would put in my two cents, er um francs, I mean Euros? It's so hard to keep up with currency. Miss you guys - I'm back in the US - talk to you soon? - Jenn